Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 60: The Bangs Sisters and their Paranormal Portraits

I guess what I’m trying to say is that, while spiritualism might be dead, gone, and buried, as paranormal investigators and researchers, we can still see remnants of the movement to this day. Only now, these practices have evolved into something we never would have pictured. 

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 47: Caught on Tape

It’s one thing to tell a ghost story, but it’s a whole other thing entirely to share your evidence with the world. Because as we will see in the case of the Barton Mansion, proof of the paranormal isn’t always received without a healthy dose of skepticism.

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 46: “Spirit” Airlines

Settle in, make sure your seat back tray table is in the upright position, and that your aisle armrest is turned down. Oh, and don’t forget to fasten your seat belts. This one's sure to be a bumpy ride.

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