Episode 46: “Spirit” Airlines

Settle in, make sure your seat back tray table is in the upright position, and that your aisle armrest is turned down. Oh, and don’t forget to fasten your seat belts. This one's sure to be a bumpy ride.

Episode Transcripts

As we begin our descent into the holiday season, many of us will likely be packing our bags and booking flights. Whether it be a quick getaway to unwind before the hustle and bustle that’s waiting just around the corner or a long-haul trek back to our childhood homes, travel is almost certainly on the itinerary.

These excursions are sure to be exciting for most of us. I mean, they don’t call this the most wonderful time of the year for nothing. Although, depending on who you ask, these travel plans may be a bit more unnerving than they are joyous.


And that, of course, brings us to this week’s topic. I think it’s safe to say, airports aren’t exactly everyone’s favorite place.

Between security lines that run miles long, overcrowded if even disorganized baggage claim areas, and the ever-present anxiety that many of us experience in flight, well it goes without saying that air travel is far from a relaxing experience. But in the case of a few select airfields, these hassles come with a few haunts.


In light of that, I think it’s high time that we head to the airport; to take in the sites as well as some ghostly lore. So settle in, make sure your seat back tray table is in the upright position, and that your aisle armrest is turned down.

Oh and don’t forget to fasten your seat belts. This one's sure to be a bumpy ride.

I’m Courtney Hayes and you’re listening to haunts. Stay tuned…

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Don't worry, the first stop on our trip through the world's most haunted airports is fortunately somewhere a bit warmer. Although, this haunt doesn't exactly serve as a break from the winter cold. Because even here, on the prismatic island of Honolulu, there lies a rather chilling legend.


Those traveling through the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport call her the lady in waiting. Described as a blonde woman in a white gown, this specter comes with a story that's really quite tragic.

So the legend goes this spirit was once a beautiful young woman; and as young women often do, she fell in love. Now at least in the beginning, it seemed that her devotion was reciprocated by her lover. In fact, they even planned to be married and for a brief moment, all seemed right in her world.

That is until the day came when she accompanied her fiance to the airport. I guess he had plans to travel internationally and for whatever reason, she would not be joining him on this trip.

So the time passed slowly and finally, the day of her fiance's return flight had arrived. She made the short drive to the airport and waited anxiously for his return. So you can imagine her utter disappointment when the plane de-boarded and he was nowhere in sight.

Overcome with grief and resentment towards her now ex-fiance, she decided to take matters into her own hands. And so they say that this woman never left the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport.


Instead, she is now often seen in her non-corporeal form, usually in restricted sections of the airport. Those who have encountered her say that she looks longingly out the window at the airfield; evidently waiting for her lover to finally return.

It's a sad existence, no doubt about it. But if there's any consolation here, it's that the lady in waiting isn't doing so alone. You see, Daniel K. Inouye International is said to be haunted by a handful of spirits, each of which being more peculiar than the last.

Aboard the Wiki-Wiki shuttle, for instance, passengers frequently recount eerie encounters with a mysterious specter. Late at night, while the tram runs between terminals, a nondescript figure materializes at the rear of the car. In the shadows the figure lurks, waiting for the perfect moment to spook the weary travelers aboard the train.

I know, based on its description, this entity doesn't seem like the most friendly of welcoming parties. But even still, it's much more approachable than the third and final spirit that's supposedly haunting Daniel K. Inouye International.


You see, at least in my own opinion, there is a poltergeist roaming the halls of this airport. In fact, there are numerous reports from frightened travelers who have stopped at the washrooms after their flight only to find toilet seats that slam against the porcelain and rolls of bathroom tissue that fly across the room.

If that wasn’t eerie enough, then you may find this next tidbit to be a bit more chilling. Apparently, this entity likes to toy with those unfortunate enough to cross its path. Much like the beings we spoke about back in episode 44, the poltergeist of Daniel K. Inouye International will supposedly sit on its victim's chests causing the unmistakable sensation of being choked.

Now the locals say that this entity may not be a poltergeist at all; but rather a malevolent presence called kanashibari. According to one of my sources at least, this presence is one that haunts the entirety of the Hawaiian islands, meaning that it very well could making its rounds through Daniel K. Inouye International Airport. I mean for all we know, it may lurking just behind us as we wait to board our next flight.

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It has long been thought that Savannah, Georgia is one of the most haunted cities in America. So it only makes sense for its airport to be our second destination on this phantom flight path.

First opening its doors in 1994, the Savannah - Hilton Head International Airport plays host to more than 3 million travelers each year. Although, stories of its hauntings date back even further. Well before this airfield was used for commercial flights.


At the start of the Second World War, this property was owned by the Dotson family. While the estate as a whole was used for everything from farming to residential purposes, there was one distinct parcel that served a somewhat different function.

You see, just six feet below what is now Savannah - Hilton Head International sits what should have been the final resting place of approximately 100 souls. Yes, you heard that right. This tract of land is the mass grave site of several generations of the Dotson Family.

Or should I say it was? That is, until the Dotson's property was ceased by the US military. At which point most of the graves were churned up and moved to make way for a new air station; meaning that 98 of the 100 souls resting here were awoken from their eternal slumber.


Okay so by now you're probably wondering, why only 98? What about the other two? Well, that's where things get really eerie.

You see, the Dotsons had evidently struck a deal during the seizure of their land. Therein they would allow for the property to be used for military purposes so long as the remains of the original land owners, Catherine and Richard Dotson, remained undisturbed.

The request, of course, was a little unorthodox. But from the military's perspective, it seemed like a pretty fair deal. So in the end, they left the couple where they were lying and paved a runway right atop their graves.

When the war ended, the air station's functionality changed ever so slightly--now hosting commercial flights instead of military aircraft. Meaning that Richard and Catherine's graves are now the site of the second busiest airport in the entire state.


I know, to me this all sounds like a recipe for disaster. I mean disturbing 98 graves in and of itself is sure to insight some pretty bad karma. But to leave the remains of the original property owners, forcing them to watch as their beloved home is remodeled into an airport, well something like that would be enough to wake the dead.

Which, unsurprisingly, is exactly what happened. According to a myriad of pilots, flight attendants, and startled travelers, Catherine and Richard Dotson remain at the Savannah - Hilton Head International Airport--both in a physical and a spiritual sense.

If the stories are true at least, the north side of the runway is haunted by two silhouetted specters. So the legend goes, if you were to fly into Savannah just as the sun begins to set, you would see Richard and Catherine standing there next to the tarmac, just above their own long-forgotten graves.

I guess you could argue that this is their way of welcoming the millions of travelers passing through this airport. However, I can't help but think that this haunting may be an indication of the couple's bitter and never-ending unrest. After all, how could you rest peacefully, with jets like this constantly flying overhead?

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Now to those of you who have a fear of flying, be forewarned that our last stop may be somewhat anxiety-inducing. Because the history of Chicago's O'Hare International Airport is marked by a haunting tragedy.


It was on the afternoon of May 25th, 1979 when American Airlines Flight 191 departed from Chicago--setting its course for LAX.

It started out as a routine departure. 258 passengers had been assisted aboard the DC-10 aircraft by a 13-man crew. Who I imagine went through all the pre-flight safety announcements, and all the while were blissfully unaware of the horrors that were about to ensue.


You see, upon its take off, flight 191 was subjected to a series of unfortunate and downright horrifying events. It all started when the engine, which was usually situated on the left side of the plane, detached itself from the wing.

As it fell down to the tarmac below, the engine severed a set of hydraulic lines that lock the wing's leading-edge slats in place. That in turn caused the slats to retract just as the plane began to climb.

Now being that wing was severely damaged, the left side of the plane obviously struggled to keep up with the lift produced by the right wing. So as Flight 191 continued with what would be a very short-lived journey, the aircraft began to tilt sideways, with the right wing lifting toward the sky.

Of course, that trajectory wasn't exactly sustainable. So the aircraft began to descend, ultimately crashing in an open field near a mobile home park less than a mile from the runway, and tragically, there were no survivors.


Today, American Airlines Flight 191 is known as the deadliest aviation accident to ever have occurred on American soil. And in the wake of that devastation, rumors of paranormal activity began to take shape.

In the following months, locals began to notice oddities both in the sky and in the field where the plane had crashed. In fact, on several occasions, the Des Plaines police station received calls from concerned motorists who were claiming to have seen bobbing lights in that very field while driving along Route 72.

Now at first, these orbs were perceived to be that of flashlights. A likely indication that local teens or the morbidly enthused were doing a bit of ghoulish sightseeing. However, when officers arrived at the crash site, they of course found no lights and no trespassers.


Suffice it to say, things had become pretty eerie in the weeks following the incident. But for the residents of the adjacent mobile home park, this whole event was a waking nightmare. Even from that very first night.

You see, in the initial hours after the crash, residents throughout the neighborhood began to hear wrapping sounds on their doors and windows. And yet, upon further investigation, they found that no one had come to their door.

As time passed, residents began to report erratic behavior from their pets. Looking out from their windows or from their front lawns, these dogs would bark aggressively in the direction of the field. Almost as if they were attempting to alert their owners of an otherwise unseen presence.

This sort of activity went on for months, seemingly with no rhyme or reason. And with each passing day, things were only getting worse. In fact, by the time all was said and done, residents had reported encounters with lost souls of Flight 191 who were evidently asking for help in finding their lost luggage.


In the end, many residents felt that there was nothing they could do aside from vacating the premises entirely--ultimately giving up their homes to the phantom passengers of American Airlines Flight 191. And so this apparent ghost town sits just 1 mile away from O'Hare International.

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So we've finally made it and what a long journey it's been; but hey, at least now we can say that we've visited some of the most haunted airports in America. if even, only in spirit.

Of course, for most of us, this trip is far from over. I mean, the holiday travel season is only just beginning, and like it or not, time spent at the airport is likely unavoidable.


Now as an anxious flyer myself, I've developed a few let's call them pre-flight rituals to help keep my nerves at bay. For instance, in the days leading up to any flight I take, I make a point to watch the first final destination movie.

I know, watching a film centering around a deadly plane crash hardly seems like a comforting way to fend off any pre-flight jitters. But for whatever reason, it calms my nerves.

Of course, I'm not the only one who maintains this sort of superstition. In fact, I'm sure that many of you complete your own little traditions before boarding any flight.

But in case you aren't as superstitious as I am, or even if you're just feeling a bit uneasy about your trip back to Mom and Dad's, here are a few precautions you can take for safe passage.

Don't forget to tap the outside of the plane for good luck, avoid seat number 13 whenever possible, oh and should you have a gut feeling about your current travel plans, maybe take a hint from Alex Browning, and book a different flight.

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Episode 47: Caught on Tape


Episode 45: Infamous Lake Lanier