Episode 63: The Mysterious Mogollon Monster

Let’s examine the evidence and see if we can’t find something mystical hiding out in the hills of the American West.

Episode Transcripts

When we think of monsters, there’s a very clear image that comes to mind. Sure it may not be the same for everyone, but it’s palpable. We all have our own vision when it comes to beasts that are so horrifically larger than life. 

For some, it’s a creature of mythic proportions. One that has haunted our nightmares since we were children. For others, this monster is a bit more familiar. Its shape, oddly human, its mind, shrouded by evil and darkness. 


Now regardless of what that image may be, most of us hope that it stays locked away inside our twisted imaginations. That we’ll never have to face the monster lurking under our beds, never forced to reconcile with the inhuman nature of the human mind. 

And yet, there are some who lean into the monster mania. Who not only believe that these creatures exist but find them alluring. Which means that people like me, who might be a bit skeptical but want so badly to be mystified by something greater than ourselves, are sort of caught in the middle. 


Okay, so cryptids probably weren’t the image that came to mind for many of you. But at least from where I’m standing, that’s about as close as you can get to a beast of this magnitude. I mean, a yeti, a Sasquatch, even the fan-favorite Mothman, it all seems a bit monstrous, don’t you think? 

Now, I think at this point in our friendship, you guys are well aware of how skeptical I am when it comes to cryptozoology. But as I said, I would love nothing more than to be mystified by a real-world monster. So long as I can do so from a distance. 

So let’s examine the evidence and see if we can’t find something mystical hiding out in the hills of the American West. And hey, by the time we’re done maybe I’ll know if these creatures are anything more than a collection of blurry photographs. 

I’m Courtney Hayes and you’re listening to haunts. Stay tuned… 

Before we really dig into it, I’d like to give credit where it’s due. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been binging the most recent season of the Paranorm Girl Podcast, which is focusing on the hunt for the elusive Bigfoot. 

I know, that might sound a bit out of character for me. But being that this is one of my favorite podcasts, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to learn more about the spectacle that is Sasquatch. 

And in doing so, I was surprised to find that some of the leading experts when it comes to this particular cryptid, started out exactly where I am standing now: as skeptics. 

At least in the beginning, they were bound by the facts and their own journalistic integrity. Which speaking from personal experience can cloud the judgment a bit. 


Don’t worry, I’ll have the Paranorm Girl Podcast linked in today’s show notes just in case you want to learn more about the 4 horsemen of Sasquatchery. But for now, I’ll just say that I found the work of these four men to be inspiring.

I mean, if this ragtag group of journalists and scientists can go from staunch skeptics to avid believers, maybe there’s still some hope left for the rest of us. Which of course, brings us to the subject of this week’s episode. 

Actually, to a cousin of bigfoot said to be lurking through the trees out in the Mogollon Rim of Arizona. The likes of which may just prove that the work of these cryptozoologists is more credible than we may think. 

Amidst the arid backdrop of Arizona’s desert climate, sits a sprawling oasis of ponderosa pines. No doubt this region is widely popular among outdoor enthusiasts—with a myriad of hiking trails and campgrounds for visitors to enjoy. 

Of course, that isn’t the only reason why the Mogollon rim is so highly trafficked. And for what it’s worth, they say that hikers aren’t the only ones trekking along its trails. 


You see, spanning across the last century or so, numerous rumors of a monster—complete with otherworldly strength and inhuman stature—have made their rounds throughout Arizona. They say that it’s a bipedal creature, standing over 7 feet tall, with large red eyes and fur as black as night. 

Those who have encountered the beast say that it walks with wide, animalistic strides. Often leaving behind massive footprints, measuring roughly 22 full inches from toe to heal. 


I know that’s quite the mental image. But perhaps what makes this creature even more frightening are the characteristics that we can’t see. 

A handful of encounters, for instance, indicate that the beast is nocturnal and often violent—especially when it feels as though its territory is being threatened. This means that you do not under any circumstances want to stumble upon its nesting grounds after dark. 

But let’s say for a moment that you did find yourself in the midst of what cryptozoologists have dubbed the Mogollon Monster. What happens then? And for that matter, are there any warning signs you should look out for? 

Well for one, many say that the beast 

comes with a pungent odor. Something akin to a dead fish, or as one report so eloquently describes it "a skunk with bad body odor." 

What’s more, is that encounters with the creature are often preceded by a chilling silence. One that’s accompanied by an eerie stillness in a forest that should by all means be teaming with life.

It’s the calm before the storm. An unsettling sort of peace that surrounds you in the darkness, all before the Mogollon monster emits a blood-curdling and anguished cry.

I know, this description may seem a bit far-fetched to the more skeptical among us. And honestly, I’m right there with you. 

But the proof as they say is in the pudding. So let’s continue on this trek through the Mogollon rim, by discussing some of the more notable sightings of this monster throughout history. 


According to one of my sources at least, reports of the Mogollon monster date as far back as the colonial era. But as near as I can tell, the first documented encounter with the beast took place in 1903. 

The incident itself was reported in that year’s edition of the Arizona Republican, where I.W. Stevens wrote of a beast seen just north of the rim near the Grand Canyon. In the article, Stevens stated that the creature sported white hair, a long matted beard, and talon-like claws that were at least two inches in length. 


Okay, I know what many of you are probably thinking. Courtney, that doesn’t sound anything at all like the monster you just described. For one, this creature had white hair, not black; and it wasn’t even seen inside the Mogollon rim. 

That’s fair enough. I mean, when you put it that way, it’s plain to see that these descriptions don’t exactly match up. But even still, there are a fair few who believe that this creature and the mogollon monster are one and the same. 

Which is likely due to the claim that Steven’s made later on in the article, stating that, when he attempted to approach the creature, it bellowed an earth-shattering and otherworldly screech. Not unlike one that’s so often attributed to the Mogollon monster. 

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit that Steven’s story, while certainly chilling enough in its own right, doesn’t exactly hit the nail on the head when it comes to this particular cryptid. I mean, is it possible that he saw something strange and beastly out in the far reaches of the Grand Canyon? Absolutely. But that does change the fact that his accounts don’t necessarily line up with later reports of the Mogollon Monster. 

Now I don’t want to discredit his story entirely, even if it is a tough pill to swallow. But if you are still feeling a bit skeptical when it comes to the monster as a whole, maybe this next encounter will carry a bit more weight.


It was the mid-1940s when Cryptozoologist Don Davis took a camping trip out in the Mogollon Rim. Of course, at that time, Davis had yet to embark on his career in the space of cryptozoology. In fact, he was only a teenager out on a camping trip with his Boy Scout troop.

The group had set up camp not too far from Tonto Creek near Payson, a small town situated along the southern edge of the rim. It was there where a rustling noise awoke Don in the night.

Now this wasn’t any ordinary nature sound. It wasn’t the wind or any sort of small woodland creature. In fact, if Don didn’t know any better, it seemed as though this sound was coming from the inside of the tent—almost as if something or someone was going through their belongings.

So Don called out to the noisemaker, honestly thinking that it had to have been one of his fellow campers. But the response he had got in return had been more than a bit of a shock. 


There, now towering above his sleeping bag, was a colossal man-like beast. It was bipedal with an expressionless face that had deep-set eyes. 

It was a frightening view, especially for a 13-year-old boy. But what was most disturbing, was the stench radiating from the creature. It was a pungent odor that left Don wondering what on earth this creature could be. 

Now if Don Davis’s story is the most cited of any encounter with the Mogollon monster, then the most consistent are the accounts of Marjorie Grimes. A white river local, who allegedly encountered the beast on multiple occasions between 1982 and 2004.

According to Grimes, the creature was tall, inhumanly so, walking with a wide gate that shocked Marjorie every time she saw it. In fact, on one occasion, she was driving along the road outside of town on the Fort Apache reservation when an encounter with the creature forced her to slam on the breaks.

Within a matter of seconds, Marjorie was throwing the car into park and racing back to the spot where she saw the Monster striding through the trees. Only to find that it had already disappeared within the grove of ponderosa pines.


Now Marjorie Grimes isn’t the only member of the Apache Nation to have experienced Mogollon Monster. With one Whiteriver local stating back in 2006, quote “There have been more sightings than ever before. It cannot be ignored any longer.

Of course, with a statement like that, tribal police have their work cut out for them when it comes to reports made about the Mogollon monster. Even having to screen calls from visibly terrified locals who actually claimed that the creature was stalking them from outside their windows.

At least in my opinion, that last little tidbit might be the most frightening aspect of this entire story. I mean, if we aren't in our own homes, then how can we ever expect to be safe out on the rim? 

Well, the skeptic in me, says that it’s probably nothing to worry about anyway. After all, a number of my sources are quite adamant that the Mogollon Monster is nothing more than a work of fiction—that the stories I’ve just shared with you, while fairly compelling, aren’t hard evidence, but rather a bit of local lore. 

Sure, that’s definitely the most logical explanation. But just in case there is some sort of Bigfoot-like monster lurking somewhere in the woods out in the Mogollon rim, I’d like to end this episode by sharing a few tips and tricks that may just come in handy should you come face-to-face with such a beast. 

Number 1. Avoid making eye contact with the Mogollon monster—not that you would want to anyway—because direct eye contact will often cause the creature to react in an unpredictable manner. 

Number 2. Try to the best of your ability to appear less threatening—ideally, if you can by impersonating a smaller, non-aggressive animal. That way you’ll be able to hide from the beast in plain sight.

Number 3. Should you be spotted, do not under any circumstances flee the area. As the Mogollon monster is known to run at great speeds—even as fast as 40 miles per hour. 

And last but certainly not least, number 4 is just a friendly word of advice. If for whatever reason, you decide to go looking for the mogollon monster, just do yourself a favor, and keep your wits about you. 













Episode 64: An Investigation of Salem’s Ropes Mansion


Episode 62: Midnight at 100 Steps Cemetery