Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 12: The Lizzie Borden House

If you didn't know any better, the Lizzie Borden House of Fall River, MA, would likely seem like an ordinary B&B. But in reality, the house is the site of Fall River's most notorious unsolved murders; and as such the inn is haunted by the spirits of the Borden Family... So are you brave enough to stay at the Lizzie Borden House?

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 11: The Pendle Witch Trials

The Pendle Witch Trails, as they are known today, took place over the course of only two days. During which, the accused were denied witnesses who could testify to their innocence. But here’s the kicker, the trial was then based solely on the testimony of a 9-year-old child.

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 10: The Amityville Horror House

“How could anybody find peace in that house? And how could you live in a home without peace?” — Lorraine Warren, Lead Investigator of the Amityville Horror House.

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 9: Beware the Dark Watchers

During the 1700s, Spanish settlers traveling through the Santa Lucia Mountains began to notice dark figures in the distance at sundown. They were tall and foreboding, never failing to send a shiver up the spines of these mere mortals. They called these specters Los Vigilantes Oscuros, or The Dark Watchers, because it seems as if they are always watching from a distance. They say you shouldn't approach these specters as they harbor the power to... take you. But do they exist? As it turns out, this Haunt may come down to basic physics.

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 8: The Infamous Story of Robert the Doll

Robert the Doll is perhaps the most infamous haunted artifacts in the world. But before this cursed item became somewhat of a household name, it was simply a child's favorite toy. The item belonged to Robert "Gene" Otto of Key West Florida, who supposedly received the doll as a simple gift when he was four. However, as Gene grew older, he developed a peculiar relationship with the toy. He personified it and before long, Robert the Doll took on a life of it's own. Today, the artifact is known as the most haunted doll in the world—one that can apparently curse you—if you are brave enough to take it's photo that is. So, would you take his picture?

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 5: Muriel's Jackson Square

Muriel's Jackson Square is one of the most famous restaurants in the French Quarter; and as it just so happens, the building is said to be incredibly haunted. However, some believe that this ghost story is more a hoax than it is a haunt.

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 4: The Hauntings of Daksa Island

If you are in the market for a private island in the Adriatic Sea, Daksa Island is up for grabs... if you can stomach its menacing reputation that is. According to local lore, this seemingly pristine island comes with a pretty unnerving ghost story, which claims that the island is haunted by about sixty ghosts. Not to mention, the island is said to be cursed. Due to this reputation, it is rare for anyone to visit Daksa Island.. would you?

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Courtney Hayes Courtney Hayes

Episode 1: The Basano Vase

The Basano Vase is a lesser known paranormal artifact of 15th century Italy. Not unlike more famous haunted objects such as the Dybbuk Box or Annebelle the Doll, the Basano Vase has a rather unusual ghost story. According to the legend, the Basano Vase was a cursed item known to unalive its owners.

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