Episode 13: A Conversation With the Paranormal Project

Join us for this discussion about the mysteries of the Uinta Basin… Can you find the missing link?

Hey Listeners! We are doing something a little different this week. Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with some amazing podcasters to discuss the mysteries of the Uinta Basin.

The paranormal project is a collaboration between of Myself as well as Farrah from the conversation cabin, Amanda from Won Nothing Podcast, and Vicky from Mrs. Spooky Obsessed. Through this collaboration we discuss some of the most fascinating topics in the paranormal.

We usually do this as a live event but in case you missed it, or if you want to see what it’s all about,  all you have to do is stay tuned for a replay of our most recent episode of Tuesday Top Terror: Mysteries of the Uinta Basin.

Don’t forget to check out my co-hosts. I’ll have them linked below. Please be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming series, entitled the Virginia City Chronicles. It will be out sometime next month.

Now without further ado, I hope you enjoy this conversation with the paranormal project!

Check out my co-hosts:


Episode 14: The Paris Catacombs


Episode 12: The Lizzie Borden House