Episode 70: On Location at the Luxor Hotel

Keep your ears open, you might just hear some ghostly activity while we're on the location at the Luxor Hotel...

Episode Transcript

Hey, everyone. As I'm sure you can tell from the title of this week's episode, we're doing things a little differently today. A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to stay in one of my bucket list haunted hotels, The Luxor, Las Vegas. Now, I was going to record a regular episode on this haunt, to talk about the location and my experiences there. But the more I thought about it, the more this felt like the perfect opportunity, to get you guys closer to the action. So I decided to record that episode on location. That said, I just have a couple of disclaimers before we really get into it. Host and foremost, the audio that you are about to hear is relatively unedited.

Courtney00:00:52 - 00:01:52

Being that this was recorded on location, I had hoped for the episode itself to be somewhat of a paranormal investigation, audio type experience. So I didn't wanna run the risk of possibly compromising different than what you guys are used to for me. But rest assured, there's some pretty spooky moments throughout the episode. So make sure you keep your ears open, and let me know if you hear anything that I may have missed. Now while we're on the topic, if you enjoy this style of content, make sure to share this episode with your friends or leave me a 5 star review to let me know. I love being able to use this podcast as an avenue to investigate the paranormal. So if you guys like it as much as I did, I may look into doing this again at different locations in the future. Finally, I did just wanna mention quickly that this episode does cover themes of violence and suicidal actions.

Courtney00:01:53 - 00:02:45

So if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, you may wanna give this episode a pass. I appreciate your understanding on that end. But without further ado, let's go ahead and get into the episode and the investigation. Alright. I am so very excited to be recording this episode tonight, mainly because I am sitting currently in one of the most haunted hotels on the Las Vegas Strip, which is the Luxor. So tonight, we are going to be doing an episode that's kind of an investigation at the same time. I'm gonna tell you guys the history of this hotel, is well as the strip in general, and then kind of get into the hauntings. And if you guys hear anything whilst I am, you know, talking about the ghost, that might be paranormal activity.

Courtney00:02:45 - 00:03:42

Who knows? That said, this is going to be kind of a raw sort of, you know, uncut episode tonight. I'm not gonna do much editing just because I feel like that might potentially mess with any evidence that might come through. I don't even know if I'm gonna have, like, music or anything going on in the background of this. I kinda just want it to be very straightforward. That said, I do have some equipment set up in here, specifically a Maglite, just to have some sort of confirmation. If anything does come up, I will let you guys know, in real time. So, without further ado, the Las Vegas Strip is probably one of the most haunted locations that I know of. It's up there, at least in my opinion, with Savannah, New Orleans, nearby Virginia City, all of those super spooky places.

Courtney00:03:42 - 00:04:55

Flashlight just went on, kind of, to confirm that. To me, it's one of the most haunted locations that you can really come across, mainly because it has had a ton, a ton of tragedies throughout its history, specifically when it comes to fires and, honestly, just unexplained death, unfortunately. One example that comes to mind is November 20 Host 1980, when an apparent electrical fire kind of sent the MGM Grand, which is a sister company of the hotel that I'm staying in now, went up in flames. Sparks started around 7 o'clock that morning and quickly spread throughout the hotel despite employees trying to extinguish it. Unfortunately, 87 people died. Flashlight went on again, just to kinda keep you guys in the loop with what's happening with that. Most of those people, unfortunately, went or I guess, passed due to smoke inhalation. And then on top of that, 700 other people were injured, making this the worst hotel fire in American history.

Courtney00:04:55 - 00:06:04

So, you know, that's kind of indicative of what we're dealing with here in terms of energy is the hauntings, just out and about because the MGM Grand is really not that far. I guess now it's technically Volleys, but, you know, kind of in the same area. There have been another a number of other fires all throughout the Las Vegas Strip, including at the Cosmopolitan, Excalibur, and the Aladdin. So fires, unfortunately, are kind of a running theme here. To my knowledge, there is Hayes been one here at the Luxor, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't tragedies kind of out and about, here in the hotel. So we will touch on that more in a minute, but I did want to note that on top of all of that, there's also a collection of very, very, very haunted artifacts, as we all know. It's the Zac Bagan's Haunts Museum, which I had the pleasure of going to last night. It was a very surreal experience.

Courtney00:06:04 - 00:07:17

I got to see so many different artifacts that I've literally spent, like, my career at this point researching and kind of investigating, and to be able to see them in person was honestly a little bit anxiety inducing, especially when we, went into the room with Peggy the doll. They had, like, a spirit box set up in there, and the tour guide was like, you guys feel free to ask questions, do, like, an impromptu investigation in here. And I asked. I said, Peggy, you know, are you happy here? And she laughed through the spirit box, which was kind of frightening just because I've heard so much about how she kind of attaches herself to people, and you guys know my history with attachments to negative entities, so I didn't even want to touch that with a 20 foot pole, but I had to ask her something. So, that was the question I asked. She also kind of cursed at our tour guide and we took that as our cue to leave. I did say goodbye, so hopefully, fingers crossed, I didn't get cursed. I'll keep you guys posted on that front, but I also got to see the, the dybbuk box, which was really fun, and just, like, very surreal, like I said, to see.

Courtney00:07:17 - 00:08:46

So, yeah, I think with all of the tragedies and different fires that happened here, as well as having a haunted museum filled with a ton of different artifacts, makes this city just one of the most haunted and paranormal charged locations that I've ever been to, which is really cool because that's obviously why I'm doing this. So, alongside the fires, there, like I said, have been a lot of different, I guess, incidents here at the Luxor, which, of course, leans to this lore of it's Haunts, and there's also a reputation that the hotel itself is cursed. So Host a small trigger warning here, we are going to talk about some unexplained deaths is well as suicide. So, if that's not something you're interested in listening to, maybe skip ahead a bit. But it's worth mentioning that 7 people did lose their lives during the construction of the hotel. And, apparently, the 10th floor, which is only a couple feet or a couple of stories up from where I'm at now, is the location where people go, unfortunately, to take their own lives. And just as I said that the flashlight, of course, went off as well. Another interesting but tragic little tidbit was that there was actually a bombing in this hotel back in 2007.

Courtney00:08:47 - 00:09:49

A coffee cup was apparently left on the roof or the car of an employee who was working at the food court. And when they picked up the coffee cup to remove it from their car so they could leave the hotel, it exploded and tragically killed the 29 year old man who was going to be driving the car. So that's, you know, another death, unfortunately, that is associated with this hotel. 3 years after that, in June of 2010, a brawl actually broke out in one of the suites. I think that might be somebody running down the hall, if you heard that. So we'll just write that off as not being paranormal. But like I said, back in 2010, a brawl broke out in one of the suites, between Las Vegas footballer DeMario Reynolds, and a mixed martial artist named Jason Sindeler, if I'm saying that right. They were actually at a party up in one of the rooms.

Courtney00:09:49 - 00:11:20

I couldn't figure out for the life of me which room it was, but during this altercation, unfortunately, 5ths were thrown and Reynolds passed away by the end of the disagreement, we'll call it. On top of that, bit of a fun fact, the Luxor's iconic design is credited as being the 3rd largest pyramid in the world, second only to the pyramids of Giza, of course. That said, both inside and out, the Luxor is, of course, Egyptian themed. It's actually a very beautiful hotel. If you've never seen it, I'm sure you've seen at least the outside, you know, passing on the Internet or something like that, but on the inside, it's actually a very cool design as well. But, obviously, it isn't the most accurate depiction of an Egyptian pyramid. And because of that, many people believe that this quote unquote disrespect to that sort of heritage has led to a curse on the property, which, of course, means that this is one of the most haunted hotels in all of Las Vegas. So I will say that staff is notoriously tight lipped about the paranormal reports made about the hotel, yet its haunted reputation persists mainly because guest after guest who stay in this hotel experience wild, wild activity.

Courtney00:11:21 - 00:12:03

Like, even this morning, I had woken up with, like, at least, it seemed like red Hayes skin on my neck. I should Hayes taken a picture of it. I didn't think to. I was honestly kind of in a hurry, so we can just possibly write that off as me being a wild sleeper. But I did say there or I will say there were bangings on or, like, clinking somewhere coming from a different part of the hotel. I'm not sure if, you know, something was out there, kind of messing with us, or if it was hotel staff. But I will say there is a lot of activity and energy going on here. Whether it's paranormal or not remains to be seen, but I just thought it was interesting.

Courtney00:12:05 - 00:13:19

Now, allegedly, there's this poltergeist like activity. Flashlight just went on as we kind of got into this sort of subject matter. It's quite common all throughout the hotel, this sort of poltergeist like, energy and activity that people report, particularly on the casino floor is well as in the room 30,018, so up on the 30th floor, if you guys are wondering exactly where that is. Strange occurrences including pounding on the doors at night, shadowy figures in the peripheral vision, all sorts of like, you know, the generic poltergeist activity is what apparently is lurking around every corner of this hotel. Now, due to the blacklist of information, let's call it, on the hauntings itself by staff is well as the MGM Hotel Group, the specifics of which rooms are actually haunted isn't readily available. I searched high and low because I wanted to request, you know, the haunted rooms. I wanna stay in one of them. But aside from that 30,018 room that I told you about earlier, I couldn't find very much information on which specific rooms were haunted.

Courtney00:13:19 - 00:14:41

That said, most of the time these guests that are having this sort of paranormal activity throughout their stay are booking these rooms and checking into them without knowing their haunted Host, So you could potentially stay here, have no idea what's going on in the hotel, go into your room, and have a crazy experience, you know, while you're sleeping or while you're getting ready to go down to the strip or anything like that. So, I just think that that is wild, that you have no idea what you're kind of getting into when you check into this hotel. That said, based off the reports from dozens upon dozens of hotel guests, there are 2 specific hauntings whose lore is pretty well documented, we'll say, so let's circle back to room 30,018 because that seems to be the one specific room that I could find that we know for sure to be haunted. Guests staying in this room say that they will supposedly hear that metal planking sound that I described earlier at 8:30 every morning like clockwork. And it comes with this, like, heavy foreboding energy, which makes guests feel like they're not welcome in the room and that whatever is lurking in there wants them out. Like, get out of my room. It is my room. It's not yours.

Courtney00:14:41 - 00:15:35

You are not meant to be here. So, obviously, many people who have no idea what it is they're getting into when they check into this room will check out early, leave in the middle of the night, not come back, like, specifically because this energy flashlight going on right now is scaring them out of the room. So I don't know. I didn't get to stay in there, unfortunately. I wish I did. The second spirit that haunts this hotel is known simply by the name the Luxor Blonde, and the lore surrounding the spirit is fairly unknown in terms of why she's here, how she got here is she was a guest, or maybe she used to frequent this hotel for a number of other reasons, we don't know. But she is sort of, let's say, aggressive. I don't know how else to say that.

Courtney00:15:35 - 00:16:38

Hopefully, she's not lurking about is my hotel room as I'm saying that, but, yeah. Apparently, those who encounter her do so in their dreams. They'll have this dream of a blonde woman choking them in their sleep while they're staying here in the Luxor. So they'll dream that they're sleeping in the room that they've checked into and that a woman with blonde hair is standing over them, pressing her hands around their neck. And then when they wake up, they find that there are red marks on their neck, kind of like I was saying earlier. Again, it might be a number of other reasons. I'm not saying that the the luxer blonde tried to choke me last night. I definitely didn't have a dream, but I thought it was interesting when I got up this morning that there were, like, red kind of irritations Courtney of around my neck, because that is a huge, huge claim made about this hotel, not just in any one room, but all across the hotel itself.

Courtney00:16:39 - 00:17:50

That said, like I said, the phenomenon seems to be recurring, with many different guests kind of reporting the same dream over and over again. And, I don't know, I just feel like that is just very, like, interesting. It's not like it's just one guest who's had this dream and kind of made this claim that it's Haunts, or that the hotel is haunted or that they've had a paranormal experience, they Hayes quite literally been reported over and over and over again. So those are the 2 Courtney of hauntings that are known here at the Luxor, and I just kinda wanted to tell you guys about them from the inside of this hotel versus just at home or, you know, kind of updating you guys once I get back. I didn't think that was really all that fun. So I know it was a really short episode, but hopefully you guys enjoyed this little impromptu recording live on location, if you will. I know I did. If you guys heard anything and you're listening specifically on the Podbean app, you should be able to leave a comment.

Courtney00:17:50 - 00:18:47

Let me know around what time in the audio you heard anything, that way I can let other people know. Otherwise, I will be posting little audiograms all over social media, so if you guys did hear something, had an opinion about it, wanted to share your thoughts, drop it in the comments below. But otherwise, I will see you guys next week. This episode of Haunts was written and produced by me, Courtney Hayes. If you've been enjoying the show so far, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave us a 5 star review. A lot of work goes into each episode, and reviewing the show really helps us reach more listeners each week. Also, if you're interested in learning more about this week's topic, I greatly encourage you to check out the show notes section at hauntscast.com. This is the location where I share my sources and provide any visual aid that may be referenced during the show.

Courtney00:18:47 - 00:18:59

While you're there, make sure to follow us on social media at Hauntscast. And don't forget to stick around to the end of the episode for this week's podcast recommendations. Thank you again for listening, and until next time. Happy haunting.






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