Introducing: Haunts

Ghost stories are commonly dismissed as nothing more than fictitious tales of what happens after this life. And over the years that I have spent as a paranormal researcher, I have found that this assumption is more often than not true. Not because the paranormal doesn’t exist—that’s far from the case, if you want my opinion. But because the events behind these legends are much more terrifying than the supposed haunting could ever be.

Haunts is a paranormal podcast dedicated to telling you the true stories behind the things that go bump in the night. Each week, your spirited host, Courtney, will be diving into some of the worlds most fascinating tales of the paranormal to shed some light onto the true events behind the lore. You can listen for free on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app. For more information and real time updates about the show, be sure to subscribe to our email list. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you. Happy haunting!


Episode 3: History of the Ouija Board