Episode 79: The Ghosts of Glamis Castle

And as for fairytales, well they always do seem to come with a few ghost stories…

Episode Transcripts

When it comes to ghost stories, we so rarely think of beauty. So scarcely do we consider the presence of darkness in a setting that’s fit for a fairytale. Instead, our minds jump to the obvious conclusion. A haunting could only ever take shape in a space that is every bit as grisly and grim as the spirit who plagues it. 

It’s for that reason, I’d wager, that many hometown haunts share a similar story. It’s always the abandoned house at the end of the drive that’s said to be riddled with ghosts. Always the decaying hospital outside of town that’s thought to be overrun with the dead. 

That park over there? Of course, it isn’t haunted—it’s too pretty, too serene for something that disturbing. And this lavish hotel nestled up in the hills of Colorado—there’s no way it’s filled with ghosts. It’s far too stately for things that creep.


Now, you and I know all too well that this assumption isn’t always true. Like it or not, the dead can be found lurking around nearly every corner of the most charming house on our street. Just as easily as they could be prowling through the halls of a long-forgotten school building. Which means that the space itself isn’t quite as important as the history it holds.

That of course brings us to the subject of this week’s episode. To a place with beauty, outmatched only by the story of its past. Sure at first glance, you might be awestruck but its towering facades and intricate detailing—ever captivated by its storybook setting and whimsical flare.

But as they say, looks and beauty can be deceiving. And as for fairytales, well they always do seem to come with a few ghost stories.

I’m Courtney Hayes and you’re listening to haunts. Stay tuned…

Acting as the ancestral seat to the earls of Atrathmore and Kinghorne, Glamis Castle serves as an integral part of the Scottish countryside. One that has endured a haunting and longstanding history since it was first built in 1372. 

Spanning across 14000 acres, the castle grounds boast everything from well-manicured gardens, to green spaces and even an arboretum. Inside, the castle is comprised of 125 rooms. The likes of which include a billiards hall, a sizable kitchen, and a master's apartment that’s, well, fit for a king. Along with his royal guests, of course.

In fact, since it was first constructed, Glamis Castle has played host to a handful of notable visitors. Among them being Mary, Queen of Scott’s, along with none other than William Shakespeare.

Now it was he who saw this palace for what it was. Who knew it not only for its beauty but also for the tragedy written in its history. Which is why he ultimately penned a little-known story entitled Macbeth—taking Glamis Castle from real-world fortress to the setting of an incredibly grim fairytale loosely inspired by true events that unfolded on those very grounds.

So as it were, there are a few skeletons hiding in the backs of the many cupboards and closets of this royal homestead. Even though you wouldn’t necessarily know it based on appearances. Which means that there are more than a few ghostly tales ready for those of us who know where to look.

While Glamis is known for its historical significance, It’s also likely one of the most haunted castles in all of Scotland. Which is saying something for a country that boasts over 2000 castles. 

That said, it shouldn’t come as a shock that Glamis castle is said to be home to a multitude of spirits, including the specter of Lady Janet Douglas, who was burnt at the stake after being tried and convicted as a witch. Then there’s the ghost of a young servant boy who is said to haunt the stone seat outside the Queen’s bed chamber. And let’s not forget the age-old legend claiming that a monster prowls the grounds. 

Now I could go into the specifics. I could share the details of the lives behind these haunts. And with 652 years of history in the making, well that alone could likely be an entirely different podcast in and of itself. 

Still, it goes without saying that you and I are both here for the ghost stories. So instead, I’d like to spend today's episode sharing first-hand accounts of encounters with the many ghosts of Glamis Castle. 


Let’s start with the story of Miss Bond who once stayed in the square tower while visiting the castle with her mother and sister. She retired to her bed chambers around 11:00 pm and spent some time looking out her window onto the castle grounds. The night was still, with the scent of honeysuckle wafting through her open window. 

Soon she got into bed, likely expecting a peaceful night's sleep. Although as I’m sure you likely guessed, the remainder of her evening was anything but that. 


As she fell asleep, Miss Bond found herself settling into a bizarre dream. She was still in her room there in the square tower. Only it was different, older—much much older. 

The walls were shrouded by thick, heavy tapestries. And the relatively modern furniture that had furnished the room had transformed into fixtures fit for a jail cell. 

What’s worse is that the atmosphere in the room changed too. The scent of honeysuckles being replaced by a feeling of overwhelming dread. Oh, and there was something moving over in the corner. 

It was humanoid but not quite human with crooked limbs, a sloping back, and gray tufts of hair atop its head. It stared at her for a time with a malevolent grin plastered across its pale face. And all the while it rolled about on the floor, contorting its body in unnatural ways. 

That’s when Miss Bond heard the sound of the doorknob rattling on the bed chamber door. Someone entered, followed by an ear-piercing scream.

In that same moment, she awoke from this nightmare, only to find that the screaming didn’t stop. Instead, it now surrounded her, reverberating from the floors up the walls and into the rafters. Almost as if the monster from her dream had followed her into her waking hours, making for one haunting night at the idyllic Glamis castle.

It was the 19th century when a now nameless woman took a drive out to Glamis Castle. At the time, her cousin was working for the Earle and Countess giving the woman the prime opportunity to tour the grounds.

Now I’ll be honest, the woman had been curious about the hauntings and the history, specifically when it came to the square tower. So she was delighted when her cousin told her that she could explore any room she liked.r


Now one day during the woman’s stay, her cousin had been called away from the castle. And being that she had the whole place to herself, the woman decided to do a bit of exploring.

She made her way up the tower stairs and found herself in a lavishly furnished apartment up on the top floor. She walked around the expansive space, and I can imagine she may have been picturing what life would be like living in such as grand apartment. That is until her mind and her feet came to a screeching halt.

You see, the woman had encountered something that she couldn’t see sitting in the middle of the floor. And when she reached out to touch it, she noticed that it felt like a large barrel sitting on its side.

She spent a few minutes inspecting this barrel, likely thinking she was out of her mind. She even went as far as to kick at it to ensure it was actually there. And I’m sure you can imagine her surprise when her foot collided with the invisible object with such force that it caused her to yelp. 

It was then that reality sank in. So the woman fled from the apartment hoping against all hope that the ghost stories weren’t actually true. 

She had only made it a few paces down the staircase when she heard the thumping sound of a barrel rolling down the stairs. This sent the woman into an all-out sprint, ultimately colliding with her cousin who had returned to the castle and was now standing at the foot of the staircase. 

The woman clung to her cousin as the invisible barrel rolled by, listening in a panic until she was sure she could no longer hear it. That’s when her cousin pulled her from the tower, telling her that this was no barrel and that the worst had yet to come. 

Out on the lawn, the woman’s cousin spoke, spinning a tale that was somehow even more chilling than her encounter up in the apartment. Evidently, this had happened before—and when it did grim events often unfolded in the days after. 

So the woman’s cousin cautioned her not to speak of the incident to anyone. And while she may have been frightened, in the end, this was a warning that she ultimately didn’t heed. Then in just a matter of days, the woman died.

It probably goes without saying that Glamis Castle has the propensity of taking skeptics and turn them into believers. I mean really how could it not with tales as haunting as these? Take the following story, for example.

It was an exceptionally cold autumn afternoon, when yet another young woman paid a visit to Glamis Castle. She had made arrangements to stay in the square tower. And she, like Miss Bond, had heard the legends, well aware of the tower’s haunting reputation. 

Still, where Miss Bond had been curious about the haunts, this woman remained entirely skeptical. Dismissing claims of ghostly activity as nothing more than a bit of hocus pocus. That is until she checked in for her week-long stay. 


On her first night in the castle, the woman lied in her bed trying to fend off the cold of the blizzard raging on outside. Soon she fell into a deep sleep while the castle seemingly came alive around her.

She awoke to the sound of footsteps racing down the hall, followed only by what appeared to be the clanking of swords. To her horror, the footsteps came to a stop outside her door and as near as she could tell someone or something was out there trying to catch its breath. 

Moments pass and all the woman could hear was the sound of heavy breathing outside her room. Then came a crash, a heavy thud upon her door, followed by a gushing sound with dark red liquid flowing into her room from beneath the door frame. 


Some days later, on the last night of her stay, the woman was startled by yet another ghostly experience. Only this time, instead of the sounds of a battle gone by, she had a close encounter with of vision of death itself. 

Once again she was up in her room, waiting for her afternoon tea to be prepared, when an apparition of an armored soldier appeared before her. It towered over her, leering down at her ominously. Only to disappear the moment her chambermaid entered the room. 

The next day, the woman departed from the castle feeling a mix of relief and curiosity. For she may have been a skeptic upon her arrival, but after just 7 days at Glamis Castle, she was now almost certainly a believer. 

Okay, so by now you’re probably wondering where the ghosts of Glamis Castle could possibly hail from. I mean it’s no secret that the estate has a long and winding history. But at what point did it go from a stately homestead to something a bit more haunting?

Well, the answer to that question might not be so cut and dry. Because honestly, there are several dark events written into the pages of this story. Although there is one legend that remains buried within the walls of the Glamis castle, that may just might just shed some light onto those very pages. So as we bring this episode to a close, I’d like to discuss the tragic story of the Ogilvy Clan.


The year was 1486 when the Ogilvy Clan of nearby Angus fled to Glamis Castle. They were in the midst of a bitter conflict with the Lindsay Clan and sought refuge at the castle from the Lindsay’s aggression.

Now to their relief, lord Alexander Lyon welcomed the Ogilvy’s with open arms, hiding them in a secret chamber there in the square tower. Here, they were told, they would be safe from the Lindsay Clans' wrath and once things had blown over they could return to their home.

It was a peaceful thought. But what the Ogilvy’s didn’t account for was the fact that Lord Alexander Lyon was a dear from of the opposing Lindsay Clan. So instead of hiding them away, he had actually locked them into the secret chamber, sealing the door shut before leaving them to, well, die.

It wasn’t until years later that the decaying remains of the Ogilvy Clan finally saw the light of day—only being discovered when the sound of voices was heard emanating from the sealed room. To this day, those who enter the chamber are surprised to find that a room such as this could exist in such a beautiful castle. With the heavy, foreboding atmosphere that fills the space, the room and the legend of the Ogilvy Clan don’t quite fit into this storybook setting.

But like I said at the top of the episode, hauntings aren’t just isolated to that house at the end of the drive. Instead, they can take shape in the prettiest of places. So when it comes to Glamis Castle, it goes without saying, there’s more than a few skeletons hiding in the closet.










Episode 80: The Poe House


Episode 77: The Possession of Doris Bither