Episode 52: Avon Bridge: Unveiling Paranormal Activity Through EMF

Whether you believe it or not, there are numerous theories indicating that the other side has an electric charge. 

Episode Transcripts

It goes without saying, the paranormal is a naturally polarizing topic. There are some of us who believe wholeheartedly in its existence. 

Sure, we may not have all the answers when it comes to the science behind paranormal phenomenon. And within our own bubble, we may not see eye to eye on everything single detail. But at the end of the day, the fact remains many of us believe that there is something beyond the veil. 

Then, on the other side of the spectrum, there’s the more skeptically minded. Those who only deal in cold hard evidence or matters of fact. And in that regard view claims of the paranormal as nothing more than a good story to share around a campfire.


Truth be told, you can’t blame either of these two camps for their conflicting opinions. Although there is something to be said about belief for the sake of believing, as well as doubt for the sake of doubting. I mean regardless of where your own theories lie, it’s a moot point if you’re not willing to put those theories to the test.

But how exactly do we do that? After all there isn’t a quantifiable way to measure paranormal activity is there? 

Well, I hate to burst any bubbles here, but that may not be entirely the case. Think about it this way: we have been investigating claims of paranormal activity since the dawn of the spiritualism movement. Which, as a just so happens, coincided with the discovery of the electromagnetic spectrum. 

Now if you ask me, this fact is no coincidence. Because whether you believe it or not, there are numerous theories indicating that the other side has an electric charge. 

I know that’s a lot to digest. But just for fun let’s go ahead take a closer look at these theories. And hey, by the time we’re done, maybe I’ll have made a believer out of you.

I’m Courtney Hayes and you’re listening to Haunts. Stay tuned…

Not unlike our coverage of the stone tape theory, I think that these claims are best evidenced through a real world example. But before we take a walk along Indiana’s Avon bridge, we’ll likely need a bit of context when it comes to EMF and the paranormal. 


Let’s start with the basics. What is EMF and how is it measured? 

Well bear in mind that I’m no scientist, nor am I an expert when it comes to electromagnetic radiation. But what I can tell you is that EMF is shorthand for "Electromagnetic Field," which is more or less an invisible field of force generated by the use of electricity.

These fields can be measured using an array of different gadgets. But for our purposes we’ll be focusing on EMF meters. 

Of course, many of us have first hand experience with these devices. I mean if you’ve conducted your own paranormal investigation, then you likely already have an emf meter in your ghost hunting tool kit. But if it’s alright with you, I’d like to discuss how these meters work.


First, it’s worth mentioning that EMF is often measured by range of frequency. On one end of that spectrum, there are static and extremely low frequencies—which range between 0 and 300 hertz. Then in the middle there are Intermediate frequencies which range from 300 Hz to 100 kHz. 

And finally on the far end of the spectrum there are radio frequencies—ranging from 100 kHz to 300 GHz. Ratings on this end of the spectrum are considered high in EMF—with EMF meters being equipped to detect those frequency spikes.


I know, that’s a lot of scientific jargon. So to put it simply, EMF Meters are designed to measure or detect changes in electromagnetic fields. Okay simple enough, but what exactly does that have to do with ghosts?

Well it is long been theorized that paranormal entities have the ability to manipulate energy. And, based on the laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed it can only change forms.

So by that logic, if a spirit were to pull power from an energy source, like a phone battery or a camera light, for example, then that energy would be translated into EMF. Which, of course could then be measured using an EMF meter.

So there you go a basic lesson on EMF and the electromagnetic spectrum. But as they say, the proof is in the pudding. so let’s go ahead and take that walk and we’ll put this theory to the test.

With an EMF rating of 84, Avon Bridge is likely one of the most paranormally charged locations in all of Indiana. Of course, in the 118 years since it was first constructed, numerous rumors of paranormal activity have taken root within the shadows of this monstrous overpass. But it goes without saying that these distinctions didn’t happen overnight.


Truth be told, hendricks county's avon bridge may not seem like much to the unbiased observer. At first glance, it would appear to be a simple, yet functional byway--serving as safe passage for the Big Four Railroad over County Road 625 East. 

Now, in spite of its mundane functionality, even the untrained eye could appreciate its architectural beauty. With its distinct archways and towering facade, it’s no wonder why this haunt boasts a spot on the national register of historic places.

But that’s just it. Avon Indiana’s five arch bridge may come with a decadent story—one whose pages are bound undercover of unsuspecting beauty and historical significance. But hiding within is an anthology of dark and ghostly tales.

Oh and if our theories about emf are true, it may just be that these stories are backed by scientific measures. Sure, that might be a bold claim to make. But like I said at the top of the episode, there’s no point in theorizing about the paranormal if those theories are never tested.

And with an EMF rating as high as this, well there really couldn’t be a better place for us to conduct an investigation of our own. So let’s analyze these stories one by one and see if we can detect anything of note. 

According to a myriad of my sources, the earliest accounts of paranormal activity along avon bridge dates as far back as 1908. It had been little more than a year since the bridge had officially opened. And given it's high frequency of use, it was ultimately decided to have the bridge should be double tracked. 

So in the fall of that year, reconstruction began along Avon bridge. And by all accounts, the project was going to plan. Well, that is until mid-november of that year when a grisly tragedy befell upon the railway. 


The incident was reported in the November 13th edition of the Friday Caller. And while the story they presented was grim and tragic, the article itself ignited a chilling legend that still haunts the town of Avon to this day. 

Quote: "Two or three men have been killed in accidents at the Big Four bridge over Big Creek and now the bridge is alleged to be haunted." End quote. 

I know, there were no subtleties involved here. But let me assure you that the Friday Caller had more then enough evidence to back these claims. In fact, that very article outlined numerous reports from terrified locals claiming to have had paranormal encounters in close proximity to the bridge. 


The article goes on to state, for instance, that some had heard the sound of a heavy weight plummeting into the waters of Big Creek below the Avon Bridge. Then there were others who told the Friday Caller that they had seen ghostly apparitions floating along the tracks suspended more than 70 feet in the air. 

Like any good piece of folklore, the actual story surrounding these ghostly encounters is a bit vague and, to be honest, somewhat poorly documented. What we do know for certain is that a handful of people lost their lives during this second phase of construction on Avon Bridge. But there are a few differing accounts for how those tragedies came to be. 

According to Local Historian Susan Truax, for instance, there was incident at the jobsite involving an accidental fall and a vat of freshly poured concrete. Evidently, one of the workers assigned to the project had falllen into a concrete trestle shortly after it had been poured. To make matters worse, the foreman on the job hadn't seen the accident unfold, and unfortunately, remained blissfully unaware as work continued. 

Another version of this story sites that this man hadn't actually fallen into the concrete, but rather fainted while on the job. According to this telling of the story, the man's colleagues watched helplessly while a few made attempts to rescue him. Meanwhile, he laid there unconcious in the quickly drying cement, with his chainsaw sputtered in the tar along side him.

I know, regardless of which version of these events is true, I think we can all agree that the story of avon bridge got off to a bleak start. Because either way, this individual was effectively cemented into the bridge where he supposedly remains to this day. Oh and at least according to a handful of locals, you can still hear the sputtering sounds of the worker's chainsaw echoing from the bridge late at night. 

So far I think it's apparent why Avon Bridge has such a haunting reputation. But if you ask me, the most macbre of its stories unfolded years after this first incident took place. 

You see, some time after the construction ceased, a young woman was taking a walk along Avon Bridge with her infant child. I guess her baby had been sick and fussy, and evidently the young mother was hoping to use the bridge as a short cut to meet the doctor. 

Now to be totally honest, I saw a few different accounts as to what happened next. Some of my sources said the woman and her baby slipped and fell. Others claimed that they were met by an oncoming train and were forced to jump. But regardless of the why, both mom and her baby were sent plummeting down the 70 foot drop to the road below. 


Okay, so this story is certainly grim enough as it currently stands. But as I'm sure you already guessed, it doesn't exactly end there. In fact, this tale is what coined this haunt as being Avon, Indiana's resident cry baby bridge. 

Yes, that's right. If you were to drive below this bridge in the dead of night, you'd likely hear the sounds of a baby wailing through the darkness. Perhaps you would even see a ghostly pale woman crying tears of her own. 

I know, it's an eerie thought to say the least. Which is exactly why this story has sparked a superstious tradition amongst Avon locals.

You see, even to this day, motorists driving along route 625 east honk their horns as their vehicle crosses below Avon Bridge. This is done all in an effort to drown out these ghostly and anguished cries that are evidently too defening to ignore. 

Truth be told, these two stories are the most historically signifigant legends associated with Avon Bridge. Although, there are a handful of lesser known tales that lend some credence to these haunting claims. 

One local rumor, for instance, sights that a woman was struck by an oncoming vehicle while walking under Avon Bridge. And so today, her spirit is sometimes seen by motorists who are driving along route 625 East. 

Others claim that no less than four workers fell from the bridge during its initial construction, ultimately drowning in the waters of Big Creek down below. Which would, of course, explain the numerous reports of phantom splashing that we spoke about earlier. 


So by now it should be obvious that the story of Avon Bridge is one filled with tradgedy and ghostly lore. But, even in spite of their notireity, I should probably mention that these accounts maybe nothing more than a local legend.

In fact, even the most sighted of these stories lack any sort of credible documentation or hard evidence. Still, many historians, paranormal researchers, and even a few Avon locals accept them to be the gospel truth. 

Why you might ask? Well as it seems, it all comes back to our theories surrounding EMF and the paranormal. Becuase as we noted earlier on in the episode, Indiana's Avon Bridge is alleged to have an incredibly high paranormal charge. 

In light of that, I'd like to end this episode by discussing the possible causes behind this haunt's higher-than-average EMF rating. I mean, you have to admit, 84 GHz does seem unusually high, even for the most well-documented of haunted locations. So, how did this seemingly ordinary bridge—whose ghost stories are more likely based in fiction than in fact—come by such a high rating? 

Well to be honest, the answer to that question likely lies along the tracks that are suspended above route 625 east. You see, as you may or may not be aware, railroad tracks house a very small electric current. Which for our purposes means two things in particular. 

For those of you who remain a bit skiptical to these electrifying theories, you might be pleased to know that any object or piece of equipment that emits electromagnetic engery is liable to cause an EFM meter to spike. Meaning that this alleged haunt may not be as paranormally charged as we may think.

I know, looking at things from this point of view, the mystery of Avon Bridge sounds like a pretty simple open-shut case. But don't get too comfortable with that point being made, because there's a flipside to this coin. 


To really drive this point home, we once again need to focus our lens back to the first law of thermodynamics. Don't worry, I won't bore you with another science lesson, but I do think the idea of energy changing form really plays its part here. 

I mean, think about it, the whole premise of this episode revolves around a theory that claims ghosts have the power to manipulate electricity. That a spirit has the ability to pull on this energy as a means to manifest. So then wouldn't it make sense for this location, with its constant flow of electricity, to be some sort of a paranormal playground? 

Okay, that may be a bit of a stretch. But based on the evidence we've seen today, you have to admit, this theory doesn't seem entirely too hard to believe. 

Break for music 





















Episode 53: Apartment 14


Episode 50: Scientific American’s Proof of the Paranormal